I create colorful match-up screens with original superstar render and WWF/ WCW logos to get the right mood for all shows.
To scheme matches and feuds with some of the well known 90s superstars is a dream come true with 2k14!
100 caws, 50 created arenas, bounteous good animated wrestling moves, to form back WWF and WCW! I grew up with watching it back in 92, began follow the weekly shows from 95 to 98.
This universe happens in exhibition mode(due to freezes & other bugs in 2k universe).
It's all about booking and watching CPU matches, to get superstars on their spotlight.
The entire concept makes clear why wrestlers fighting each other. It contains all rules for qualifying matches & feuds. (click "öffnen")
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The present roster; weekly(updated) progression listing. (click "öffnen")
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Still in german - its translation:
Furthermore there are heavily edited audio/show segments as a special thing.
For now it's WWF 94 to 96 era only. I was going to post WCW 95 to 97 era universe synchronously but it's simply to much work.
So if WWF is done, WCW will rise.
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